You must provide your medical examiner with the following information:
Date of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI).
· Name and location of treating health care professional.
· What interventions have been done (Stents, Balloon Angioplasty).
· Medications you are taking.
· Treatment plan.
· Side effects of medication.
Report: Any history of chest pain, shortness of breath, shortness of breath while sleeping, swelling of ankles, dizziness or fatigue.
Certification following PCI
1) Tolerating medications with no unacceptable side effects
2) Clearance from treating cardiologist
3) Waiting period:
a) One week if not associated with MI.
b) 2 months if PCI performed following MI.
4) Monitoring:
a) ETT 3-6 months post PCI.
b) ETT every two years.
CERTIFY FOR: Maximum one year
1) Incomplete healing at access site
2) Resting angina
3) Ischemic changes on ECG
Satisfactory Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT):
1) Workload Capacity >6METS (Bruce Protocol Stage II)
2) Heart Rate >85% Predicted Max (unless on β Blockers)
3) Rise in Blood Pressure >20mm Hg without precipitating angina
4) No ST elevation or ST depression on EKG