You must provide your medical examiner with the following information:
• Date onset of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
• Location of injury to the
• Associated Loss of conciousness
• Associates Seizure
• Name and location of treating health care professional
• What interventions have been done
• Medications you are taking
• Treatment plan / frequency of testing
• Last dose of Antiseizure medication
• Last blood level Antiseizure medication
• Side effects of medication.
• Recent Seizure Activity?
• Report:
To include presenting symptoms, course, duration of resolution, sequelae including, motor weakness, sensory loss, disturbances of emotion or cognition, memory impairment, speech impairment.
Certification following TBI
1. TBI with LOC <30 minutes
a. Waiting Period 2 years
CERTIFY FOR: Maximum 2 years
2. TBI with LOC 30 min < 24 hours
a. Waiting Period 2 years if not associated with seizure
b. Waiting Period 5 years if associated with seizure
CERTIFY FOR: Maximum 1 year
3. TBI with LOC >24 hours